Efficience, Creativity, Usability, Productivity & Maintainability

Because every software solutions need to fulfill the needs and respond to the specifity of each user.

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About me!

I am Pierre Gridaine and I work as a software architect, software engineer and lead programmer since 2000. This website's goal is to provide you detailed professional information about me, my skills and my work.

More Details!

More than 20 year experience!

Multi-skilled: Software Architect and Engineer, Lead Programmer.

Multi-purpose: Industrial (R&D, After Sales, Electronics, Medical, Biotechnologies, Track&Trace) and Services (Management, Insurance).

High-level Expertise: OOP Specialist, .NET Framework & C# expert (17 year exp.).

Analysis and conception of complete software solutions from scratch.

Motivated. Creative. Team or autonomous. Quick adaptation.

Main Skills

.NET / C#

Sound knowledge of C# (up to 7.0)
.NET framework (1.1 to 4.7)
.NET Core (up to 3.1)

Software Architecture

Design Patterns
Conception of complete frameworks up to thousands classes

Full Stack

Back-end & Front-end
Full development cycle capabilty in multiple domains

Windows Programming

WinForms & WPF programming expert.
UI and UX Specialist
Real time Design

Design & Graphics

From 2D (GDI+, image compositing, parallax)
to 3D (OpenGL, DirectX, XNA).

Communication Protocols

RS232/485, ISO15765, CAN

Other Skills

Multi-threading / TPL

Perfect understanding of tasks and thread programming.


Frequent use of self creating objects using Reflection and attributes detection.


SQL Server. Queries and Stored Procedures. Entity Framework.


CSS 5. HTML 3. Javascript

Methodology & Tools

Azure Devops, Scrum (PSM1 Certified)


SNCF Reseau

Location Data & Rail Profiles Real-time

SNCF Reseau

Feasibility & Traceability of Rail Work

Claas Tractor

Metadiag© : Tractor Diagnostic Solution

Claas Tractor

Google Sketchup 3D Modeling

Bertin Technologies

Cell culture automation management

Bertin Technologies

Radioactive material detection


NFL History Tool


3D & Imaging tools


Sketchup modeling & rendering

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